Friday 5 February 2010

There is absolutely nothing of interest to me, out there, on earth, at all

I've been flipping back and forth as of late, going from partaking in usual activities and being fairly anti-social (for lack of a better term).
I even went so far as to see a movie all by myself in the theater, something that I told myself before that I would never do once I tried it. It was a movie I had seen with others, so I guess it wasn't the same as seeing a film for the first time alone. I had already shared the social aspects that go along with seeing a film so, I didn't need to comment on anything or share formulated ideas about what the out come will be. It was more of a introspective rerun and a fairly enjoyable experience. Though, that's not to say that I no longer enjoy going to movies with others. That would never happening considering I am one of those people who talk and comment through out a film (though not the infuriating type of person who must question every little thing as if the person they are with has seen it before and knows the out come).
I guess, this flippancy as of late may have come from some recent event and I've just decided to partake in singular activities to confirm that I can be content in this way. I do like hanging with friends and will agree that some activities are much more enjoyable with other people. Maybe it stems from the other half principle... where one needs to find there's in order to be whole. Yet maybe it is as Sherlock Holmes had said, "Love is an emotional thing. I shall never marry, lest I bias my judgment."

Monday 2 February 2009

Song to sing...While eating Whales!!

I could eat Whales by the Pails!
They send themselves via emails,
They think my hard-drive is the sea,
because whales are cheddery,
And all for me! Yummy!!

(Copyright: Dirty Hippy and Daisy for the consumption of Whale crackers!)

Saturday 31 January 2009

The Dangers of Hairspray in the Car

Did Marissa hit the breaks in time!? Tune in next week! ;)
(This is based on true events)

Friday 30 January 2009

Rich people have all the fun! ;)

Just a little comic! I realize that Stark didn't adopt Pepper, but that doesn't mean she's not an orphan! (hehe)

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Have it your way...or not.

Did this while I should have been studying for finals, sorry it's not the best but I did it all on the computer so, ya.
Any way it won't make sense if you haven't seen the new burger king commercials but if you have then hopefully you know that hindu people worship cows... I thought it was funny, and also sad that they had to drag random cultures into the great burger dispute, but maybe that's just me.

Thursday 4 December 2008

Sugar Rush!!

This is an old comic that I hadn't posted and just found right now.
The moral of the story is pretty much don't snort sugar, though I tend to get hyper just by eating food so. (Don't worry, I've never snorted sugar, nor do I plan to.)

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Book 'em (Lenny the Librarian)

If you don't have a pension for reading this may be a bit boring for you, but shame on you for not's fundamental after all.
Yesterday, on a whim, I went to the library. Well, I guess it wasn't really a whim; I did need to get a book for a monologue I needed.
However, something about the library just makes you wander around. I don't really understand it, I think it is some magical spell that a large collection of books acquires and draws you in. You walk down row after row, not even sure what section you are really in; but that doesn't even matter. Even if I do have a specific book I'm on a quest for, I either go in search of more or just sit down in the isle and just read a bit. It's like nothing else is around all the cares of the day and things yet to be done don't exist; for the time being you are in you're own world. That may sound nerdy, but whatever, it's true. However, I find this only true when in a large library not like the tiny one that is down the street from by house back home.
Any way the point of this little adventure. While wandering yesterday I ended up in a section that I'm guessing you'd call the foreign section. There are books in a variety of different languages and by a variety of different authors from other countries. In a way it's like a club that you aren't really invited to, that is if you can't read and understand that other language.
They do have translated versions, but I wonder if parts are lost in translation.
The novel I stumbled upon is called In Her Absence and it was such a good book, considering I did finish it in about a day or so; and the author looks like a cross between Javier Bardem and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I mean it was kind of a depressing love story of types, but the way it was written and the characters made it a great circular story. At times you feel so like the characters and yet so unlike them, but you still forge a connection with the characters and can't help but feel for them. It takes place in Spain, as it was originally written in Spanish. Needless to say, I fully recommend this book; if you get the chance you should definitely read it.

Thursday 27 November 2008

Just breathe...

I like to have the windows open in the car. Even in the winter, I just crank up the heat and roll down the windows; probably not the best for the car, but I can't help it. I'm not claustrophobic or anything like that and I do get cold easily, I guess I just feel like I'm trapped. It's as if there is this huge world and all I can see is what these pieces of glass our allowing me. When the window is down you can see more stars and take in more of what is around you. Plus the air is flowing and alive. I wonder if that's what people in glass houses feel like sometimes...
I don't know I guess I just like how in tune and free it can feel, just by having the windows rolled down and the music/heat cranked up. I have to see everything and take it in, I don't want to miss a thing. This happens when traveling in general too. I sometimes feel like I haven't really been somewhere just because the car didn't allow me to see all there was to see.